Challenges Facing an Aging Gay Population

Many people face challenges as they get older – losing friends to illness or death, living alone, not having regular caregivers – but a recent article in Newsweek points out that these are increased risks  for an aging gay population. The article points out that they're twice as likely as heterosexual elders "to live alone, and 10 times less
likely to have a caretaker should they fall ill. Older gay men are at
high risk for HIV, and many suffer the psychological effects of losing
friends to the AIDS crisis.  Many face discrimination in medical and social services, and on top of it all, they're less likely to have health insurance."

While having a plan in place for incapacity is important for everyone, it is vital for same sex couples. Having a health care proxy can mean the difference between being allowed to have your long time partner making health care decisions for you, versus a family member from whom you may be estranged.  Likewise, a durable power of attorney can make sure that you partner can handle your finances for you, even if you don't own property in your joint names, and a Will or Trust will ensure that your property passes as you intend it to after your death.

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